Bigpipe New Zealand Contact Numbers 2018


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Bigpipe New Zealand Contact Numbers 2018

Bigpipe is a telecommunication company in New Zealand. If you want to know more about the company, visit their official contact us.

If you want to contact Bigpipe customer care services, here you can find all the important Bigpipe contact numbers in New Zealand.

You can also find company’s local address and contact number of every department for related customer service requirements.

Bigpipe Contact



About Bigpipe

Bigpipe is a venture of Spark New Zealand Limited and was launched in February 2014. It is a reasonably priced internet service provider. Oliver Smith is the head of the Bigpipe. It is an ISP which offers unlimited data with no contracts. The company is mostly about offering the lowest prices. Bigpipe is the first ISP which offers super-fast packages.

The company is Auckland based and made it a priority for business but is emerging in other regions also. It has three standard copper plans which are reported as the top ADSL performer in Truenet’s independent industry reports.

Bigpipe strives to give the best in class services to its customers. This company is proficient in offering internet services across the country. Apart from these, the company provides exceptional customer services and is owned by the most trusted telecom company in the country. There is no contact number for the company, but you can get in touch with other mediums.

Ways to Contact Bigpipe Customer Service New Zealand

If you are having any trouble with the services of Bigpipe and want to inquire about the services and products, you can contact the company right away. There are various ways by which you can get in touch with the company.

Here is a list of ways by which you can contact Bigpipe customer care services in New Zealand.

  1. You can live chat with a virtual executive online.
  2. You can reach Bigpipe through social media like Facebook and Twitter.
  3. You can write to the company and post it to their address.
  4. You can send an email by visiting the company’s website.
  5. You can visit their FAQs
  6. Visit Bigpipe Contact Us

Bigpipe FAQ

For more details, visit Bigpipe New Zealand’s website.

FedEx Customer Service New Zealand Address

If you want to visit the company’s office, their Auckland office address is:

167 Victoria Street West, Auckland

1010 Auckland

New Zealand

Bigpipe New Zealand Services 2018


Bigpipe plans




Basic ADSL: This plan has reduced speed and lowered cost. It is entry-level broadband but with the benefits like no data caps and no throttling. However, you will get expert online support by Bigpipe customer service team. The price for this plan is $69 per month. It offers up to 3 Mbps downloading speed and up to 1 Mbps uploading speed. You can select either leave-anytime or 12-month contract. Also, there will be no extra charge as Bigpipe offers unlimited data. But, there will be a connection fee of $49.

Fast ADSL: This fast ADSL plan is for $79 per month and is the best of ADSL broadband. It is the most common in New Zealand. You will get amazing online support, and there will be no data caps and throttling. You will get 5-20 Mbps downloading speed with Bigpipe broadband and up to 1 Mbps downloading speed. This also has both leave-anytime and 12-month contract options.

Turbo VDSL: This Bigpipe broadband plan has great speed and benefits of Bigpipe. There will be no data caps and throttling. The company also provides excellent online support. You will get 15-60 Mbps downloading speed and 5-18 Mbps uploading speed. This plan is for $89 for a month. This is best for online streaming and gaming.  You can select either leave-anytime or 12-month contract.

Starter UFB: This ultra-fast broadband is the simplest form of UFB. No data caps and throttling only superb online support. It will cost you $79 per month. It offers 100 Mbps downloading speed and 20 Mbps uploading speed. You can either select a 12-month contract or leave anytime offer. If you are not a fan of long-term contracts, you can opt for leave anytime offer and services will remain same for you.

Pro UFB: This is faster than starter UFB, and with Bigpipe’s benefits, it is the best option. With no data caps and throttling, this plan is for $99 per month. You will have excellent online support for this ultra-fast broadband. It offers 200 Mbps downloading speed and 20 Mbps upload. Bigpipe takes a connection fee of $49

Elite UFB: This super-speed fibre provides 700-900 Mbps downloading speed and 400-500 Mbps uploading speed. It is the fastest download and uploads in NZ. This plan is for $129 per month. This is the best option as Bigpipe offers unlimited data so that browse and play at a very high speed.

Why choose Bigpipe?

Bigpipe goes the extra mile to give the best in class services to its adored customers. When it comes to the customer care representatives of Bigpipe, they are very responsive and generous. You can get quick solutions to any of your queries with the help of their dedicated professionals. But here are some of the features of Bigpipe that make the company distinguish from others.

Naked broadband plans

Bigpipe offers fast and unlimited broadband internet starting from affordable and accessible ADSL to faster VDSL and ultra-fast fibre broadband. There will be no data caps and throttling.

If you don’t want a landline with your internet connection, you won’t need one with Bigpipe. They don’t sell any packages and only provide naked broadband, so if you need a broadband connection without the hassle of landline setup, then Bigpipe broadband is what you need.

Naked ADSL and VDSL

The ADSL plans are viable for all those who require unlimited and fast broadband without the extreme download speed for live streaming and online gaming. In contrast to the entry-level ADSL plans, our VDSL plans are for all those who require excellent speed, and it works wonder for live streaming and online gaming.  This is also unlimited like all other Bigpipe broadband plans.

Naked UFB

The company has a broad range of products you can select from, and it endeavors to give the best services to its customer. The naked UFB plans of Bigpipe are outstanding. It offers great uploading and downloading speed. With these fast USB plans, you will experience the joy of an un-capped and ultra-fast broadband.

Bigpipe Customer Support New Zealand Updated Contact Numbers 2018

If you have any problem related to Bigpipe internet, you can contact Bigpipe NZ right away. You can get in touch with them by filling in a contact form on their website, and they will get back at you within 2 hours for connection issues and 24 hours for all other issues and enquiries.

The company is available between 8 am and 10 pm, 7 days a week.

They have a full guide on what to do when you are facing any problem with Bigpipe internet. If you can’t connect to Bigpipe, you can visit their Can’t Connect page and solve your problem. Many problems are resolved at this stage only, but if it isn’t, you can drop an email to the company. If you are facing slow connection, visit their connection page to solve the problem. Or email the company if you any query related to your problem. You can visit the website and have a chat with a virtual Bigpipe expert. You can solve your queries there.

FAQs- the Company claims to solve most of the user’s problem by FAQ. You can visit their FAQ page and select from a list of About Our Plans, Getting Connected, My Account, Contact Us & Referrals and Legal stuff.

Bigpipe Contact Support Centre

Complaint or Feedback

The company endeavors to give the best services to its customers. But, if you have any complaint or query regarding any of the product or service, you can contact the company right away. Bigpipe always welcomes your comments, suggestion and feedback. You can contact the company by calling their customer service representative or writing a letter to the company.

If you want to make a complaint, you have to visit the official contact us page of the company. Then, select ‘Make a complaint’ from the list ‘please select’. After that, write your complaint in the contact form.

Once the company receives your complaint, they will send you an acknowledgement. At the same time, they will let you know the how long will it take to resolve your issue.

If you are unsatisfied by Bigpipe and think your complaint is not resolved, you may register the complaint with Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Customer Complaints Scheme. You can call them on 0508 98 98 98 or email to them at

Bigpipe Contact via Facebook Social Media

Bigpipe Contact via Social Media

You can even contact Bigpipe NZ customer care representatives through different social media channels such as:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter

If you want to get an instant reply to your query or want to get their services urgently, then you can contact on the updated customer service number of Bigpipe NZ.

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